Helping Montana Businesses

Reach More Customers

Website, Brand & Digital Marketing Solutions

Services That Help Your BUSINESS Grow

Our marketing services are designed with your business or organization in mind.
Each website or marketing package is developed dependent on your budget and needs.


Brand Marketing

BRAND MARKETING is one of the first steps in creating a comprehensive marketing plan that guides your outreach efforts. It aligns your website, social media, search engine and email marketing, ensuring that you deliver a cohesive and compelling marketing message to all audiences.

Brand Marketing Services:

  • Brand Discovery
  • Brand Strategy
  • Market Research
  • Logo Design
  • Graphic Design

Website Design

Your WEBSITE is your most important marketing asset; a user-friendly tool that creates value for your business by making it easy for your customers to find the products and services you provide.  

Website Services: 

  • Responsive website design
  • Website redesign
  • Website maintenance
  • Website hosting
  • Domain registration
Website Design Services in Montana
Content Marketing in Montana

Content Marketing

CONTENT MARKETING provides customers with your written and visual story, incorporating branded visual elements, compelling copy, and search-friendly keywords.  It promotes your products and services, grows website traffic, establishes expertise and keeps your business top of mind with your target audience.

Content Services:

  • Inbound Marketing
  • Outbound Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Photography
  • Video Production
  • Graphic Design

Search Engine Marketing

SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING is a form of digital marketing used to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results. A wide variety of tactics can be used to expand your search rankings, enabling you to reach a larger, more targeted customer base.

Search Engine Marketing Services:

  • Account setup
  • SEO
  • Keyword research
  • Link Building
  • Sitemap creation
  • Advertising campaigns
Search Engine Marketing in Montana
Social Media Marketing in Montana

Social Media Marketing

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING leverages the the strength of social channels to develop customer relationships, further customer connections and increase your website traffic.  Social media marketing is an important tactic used to help you reach your marketing goals and increase business growth.

Social Media Marketing Services:

  • Brand Discovery
  • Brand Strategy
  • Marketing Research
  • Logo Design
  • Graphic Design

E-mail Marketing

EMAIL marketing is easily the most effective, yet overlooked form of digital marketing available. By allowing you to reach targeted, engaged audiences with a specific message, email marketing offers the highest ROI for a relatively small investment in time.

Email Marketing Services:

  • Account setup
  • Email Templates
  • Email campaigns
  • List Building
E-mail Marketing in Montana

How can we help you reach more customers?

Our Work

Enjoy Lewistown

Lewistown, Montana

Hawley Mountain Ranch

Hawley Mountain Ranch

Weaver Quarter Horses

Weaver Quarter Horses

Montana Cattlewomen

Montana Cattlewomen

Larsen Ranch

Larsen Ranch

Bighorn Physical Therapy

Bighorn Physical Therapy

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Website, Brand & Digital
Marketing Solutions

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Westwind Web
P.O. Box 931
Lewistown, Montana
(406) 538-2200

Westwind Web 20 Years